Patrick Slevin Joins VIP List of Featured FSU Speakers

Written by Patrick Slevin of SL7 Consulting


Florida State University Real Estate Center’s 30th Trends Conference will be held this November in Tallahassee. FSU announced Patrick Slevin will be one of the featured 2024 speakers to address the NIMBY subject matter.

Slevin joins a VIP list of speakers:

“I’m looking forward to the program and learning from an impressive cadre of speakers and experts in their fields,” said Patrick Slevin. “FSU Real Estate Center has established itself as one of the most prestigious programs in the nation, and I’m looking forward to contributing to what promises to be a great forum in November.”

About Patrick Slevin

Looking for a speaker to tackle NIMBYism at your next conference, program, or retreat? Look no further than Patrick Slevin, who has empowered and educated thousands of corporate executives, public officials, and real estate development professionals on defeating NIMBYism in America. 
He has spoken before real estate organizations, private/public corporations, and various not-for-profits across the country, establishing himself as the preeminent speaker on the topic. 
Contact Patrick to bring his expertise to your next event.
About Patrick Slevin – SL7 Consulting:

SL7 Consulting’s integrated communications engagement services offer clients digital media and marketing, reputation management, corporate initiatives and communications, public affairs, marketing communications, public relations, crisis leadership, stakeholder engagement and alliance development.



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